3 Dangerous Boating Conditions
June 21, 2017
The summer months are ideal for cruising local waterways and spending time with loved ones. While your clients might be excited to start their summer ventures, do they know about these uncommon yet avoidable dangers lurking below the surface? Share the following information with your clients and protect their entire operation with a Recreational Marine Insurance Program.
Many of your clients likely choose to dock their boats in a marina to reap the benefits they provide, including water, electricity, and even cable. While the electricity component provides a convenient way to charge appliances, it creates an electrocution risk. The electrical current from dock wiring and the electrical faults from boats can cause someone swimming in the water to become electrocuted and drown, known as Electric Shock Drowning. Here is how to prevent it:
- Ensure the marina your clients utilize only employs contractors that are American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) certified.
- Report electrical concerns to management immediately.
- Ask about their prevention plan.
Carbon Monoxide.
This colorless and odorless chemical is a silent killer. Any boat with a generator engine is capable of producing carbon monoxide, so heed the following advice, as provided by Travelers.
- If anchored with or rafted together with other boats, be cautious about their engine and generator exhaust reaching your vessel.
- Carbon monoxide poisoning can occur outside of enclosed spaces, such as swim platforms, cockpits or fly bridges. Exposure can occur in a number of ways, including back drafting of exhaust when the boat is under way or if it is idling with the engine or generator running, or even when it is moving at slow speeds.
- It is advisable to keep engines turned off when at anchor or at the dock. If using a generator, ensure that the exhaust is properly vented and that all passengers stay away from the exhaust ports – especially those who are swimming near the boat.
- Be sure to inspect the exhaust system on your boat to ensure it is leak free, in good condition and properly connected.
Propeller injury.
Before starting the engine, ensure no one is around and that all passengers are on board. Be especially cautious of younger children who don’t understand the risks of swimming near propellers. Lastly, when anchored in the water or when docked, the engine should be turned off before anyone goes in to swim.
About Merrimac Marine, LLC
At Merrimac Marine, LLC, our focus is solely on the recreational and commercial marine industries, with our clients ranging from middle-market to large global companies within the specialized marine industry. Our experts are here to assist you in safeguarding your clients against risk and expanding your footprint in this market. For more information, contact us today at 800.681.1998.