

Marketing Strategies to Promote Boat Rentals

July 9, 2020

During the warm months of spring and summer, people across the country flock to the water to...

Promoting Positive Reviews at PWC Rental Businesses

July 7, 2020

One of the very best ways to build a business is to have positive reviews. This applies...

Ensuring Dock Safety at Marinas

June 25, 2020

As the interface between land and water, marina docks receive much of the attention in daily marina...

OSHA Considerations for Marina Employee Training

June 23, 2020

Marina employees are an integral part of the daily operations of marinas and yacht clubs. These personnel...


Cargo Shipping: Minimizing Pollution at Sea

June 18, 2020

Cargo shipping is the foundation on which global commerce is built upon. Container and tanker vessels ply...

Zero Emission Standards & The Future of Shipping

June 16, 2020

The cargo shipping industry experiences many challenges in its operations. One of the challenges is regulatory compliance...

Hurricane Season: High Water Levels Increase Marina Risk

June 11, 2020

Marina and yacht club owners face myriad risks in their daily operations. Marinas can be busy places,...

Considerations for Reopening Marinas Amidst COVID-19

June 9, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has affected individuals and businesses on an unprecedented scale. Stay-at-home and self-quarantine orders have...

Managing Common Marina Property Liabilities

May 21, 2020

For boat owners, marinas offer a wide range of services, not to mention outdoor enjoyment. For marina...

Navigation Mistakes to Avoid to Prevent Marine Accidents

May 19, 2020

Marine vessel operators, including both commercial ship captains as well as recreational boaters, face many challenges when...

Global Shipping Concerns for Maritime Industry

May 14, 2020

With millions of tons of goods transported each year and a fleet of thousands of vessels, the...

Various Risks Facing the Marine Industry

May 12, 2020

As the backbone of world commerce and as an industry consisting of thousands of vessels and facilities...