

Do Your Marina Clients Have Solid Emergency Plans in Place?

November 7, 2019

Marina and yacht club owners know that managing these facilities is complex. Maintaining the facility and its...

As Winter Draws Nearer, Share These Boat-Winterization Tips With Your Clients

November 5, 2019

Boats represent significant investments for your clients. Used for recreation and commercial endeavors, boats require care and...

Safety Risks in Boat Cleaning

July 29, 2019

Most of the time cleaning the boat is a safe and rewarding task. Washing and detailing a...

How Often Should Docks Undergo Maintenance, and What Do They Need?

July 26, 2019

Just like any other structure, docks need to be maintained. Docks are subject to weather changes, general...

Important Advice for Dredging Safety

July 24, 2019

Regardless of the industry in which you work, employee safety should always be a priority. It's an...

All About Builder’s Risk Insurance Coverage

July 18, 2019

Whether constructing a new building or a new ship, any project is most vulnerable during the early...

Make Sure Your Jet Ski Rental Clients Communicate These Safety Rules to Their Customers

July 17, 2019

Jet ski rentals can be lucrative for any of your clients who operate businesses near the water....

Important Things to Know About Boat Rental Insurance

July 10, 2019

Renting a boat for a day is a great vacation activity. And for clients that operate a...

The Danger of Lead Exposure for Boat Builders

June 19, 2019

It may be difficult to imagine in this day and age, but Americans are still routinely exposed...

How to Ensure Safety at Your Marina’s Fuel Dock

June 12, 2019

While getting fuel for a car is dangerous, it also means that the same sentiment is carried...

Hurricane Season 2019 is Upon Us: The Current Forecast

June 5, 2019

As of this past weekend, we have officially entered the 2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season. The first Hurricane...

How Boat Repair Shops Can Attract More Clients (and Keep Them)

May 22, 2019

Boats are essentially heavy machinery with engines; all in all, it can be an extremely complex subject...