Critical Warm Weather Safety All Marinas Should Share With Their Clients
April 13, 2022
As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, more and more people are heading to their local marinas to spend time on the water with friends and family. As a marina insurance agent, you should educate your clients on warm weather safety tips so they can pass the information along to their customers. Here are some of the most important marina safety practices to keep in mind for the summer:
Get adequate insurance coverage
Water-related accidents can happen anytime, regardless of the season or weather condition. That’s why it’s so important to ensure that your clients have adequate insurance coverage.
Marina insurance protects your clients from financial losses in case of an accident. It also covers repairs and medical bills that marina customers may incur.
It’s essential to work with your clients to determine the appropriate level of coverage for their needs. With the right policy, they have the peace of mind of knowing they’re protected against financial losses.
Require customers to use life jackets and safety equipment
Warm weather often makes people complacent and ignore safety risks. Some marina users may think it’s unnecessary to take the same precautions as they would in colder weather.
However, it’s just as important to use life jackets in the summer as it is during the colder months. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, 80% of drowning-related fatalities could have been prevented if the victims had used life jackets.
Monitor weather conditions
Your clients should monitor the weather closely and issue appropriate warnings to their customers. It is especially crucial to check the weather forecast during the storm season to determine if conditions are safe for boating.
Extreme weather conditions such as high winds and thunderstorms can pose a serious threat to boaters. It is best to remain on land if bad weather is predicted.
Remember that weather conditions can change quickly during the summer months. Marina customers should check the forecast before heading out, regardless of the weather.
Offer safety tips and reminders on-site
Your clients probably want nothing more than to have their customers enjoy their time on the water in the summer. But it is also their responsibility to warn marina users of the increased risk of accidents and injuries. This is why responsible marina owners remind boaters about standard safety practices before heading out.
Customers need to be aware of potential hazards such as rocks or other boats. Drinking alcohol should be avoided when operating seacraft, and water vessels shouldn’t be overloaded with too many people or too much gear. These simple reminders can help marina users enjoy a fun and safe summer season.
Provide safety information online and via posted notices
Marina owners may also provide safety tips on their website or via posted notices at the marina. Websites can be useful for disseminating information on heatstroke and heat exhaustion which are serious concerns that may require more comprehensive information.
Heatstroke and heat exhaustion can occur when exposed to high temperatures for too long. Symptoms of heat stroke include dizziness, nausea, headache, and a rapid pulse. Heat exhaustion often results in tiredness, thirst, and muscle cramps.
Develop an emergency plan
Formulating an emergency plan ensures that the appropriate measures are taken if an accident or injury occurs. Unless your clients are trained in emergency response, they probably won’t know what to do or act in a timely manner if something goes wrong at the marina. But with an emergency plan in place, response times can be shortened, and emergencies can be dealt with as soon as possible.
An emergency plan should include procedures for administering first-aid to accident victims. There should also be a definitive plan of action to contact emergency medical service (EMS) personnel to treat drowning victims or injured.
Apart from formulating an emergency plan, marina owners should also assign one or two employees to implement the plan when an emergency occurs. These point persons should know who to contact and what actions to take to minimize further injury.
It’s important to be aware of the risks associated with warm-weather boating. With a little preparation and extra caution, marina owners can ensure that their customers have a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.
About Merrimac Marine Insurance
At Merrimac Marine, we are dedicated to providing insurance for the marine industry to protect your clients’ business and assets. For more information about our products and programs, contact our specialists today at (800) 681-1998.