Expert Sales Strategies for Boat Dealers
February 7, 2017
Salesmanship is an art. As such, learning and acquiring new strategies can boost sales and your client’s reputation as a qualified dealer. As your clients are aware, buying a boat is a huge commitment and investment, so certain tried and true methods should be used to promote the sale. While the value of Boat Dealer Insurance and charisma shouldn’t be underestimated, these tips can boost your clients’ boat sales tenfold.
Open-ended greeting.
Rather than simply asking what the customer needs help with, encourage your clients to ask open-ended questions, such as “Welcome to ABC Boats. I’m (your name), and you are..?” This way, customers aren’t just replying instinctively with a yes or no answer or simple response, explains Profit Blog.
Focus on positivity.
Rather than harp on reason why your clients aren’t making sales, focus on implementing resolutions. Research solutions, hone in on new techniques, study up on new boats, and ask for feedback and advice. Vincent Finetti, CEO of Boat Show Avenue and Prestige Vision Inc., reminds your clients that negativity is poison to the sales performance.
Sell the experience.
Any boat owner knows that owning a boat is a labor of love that is well worth it. The experience of owning their own private yacht, fishing boat, or speed boat trumps any maintenance cost or hurdle they have to overcome. For this reason, sell the customer the experience rather than just the boat itself.
Listen and agree.
Truly listening to what the customer wants is key to building a positive professional relationship. Listen to their concerns and, rather than try to persuade them otherwise, agree but offer a positive solution.
Offer a test drive.
Many boat shoppers are unaware that they are able to take their prospective new boat out for a test drive. Encouraging them to do so can give them a better feel for the boat and play into selling them the entire boat ownership experience.
About Merrimac Marine Insurance
At Merrimac Marine, we are dedicated to providing insurance for the marine industry to protect your clients’ business and assets. For more information about our products and programs, contact our specialists today at (888) 344-1687.