Marina Etiquette Every Boat Owner Needs to Follow
January 20, 2022
Having access to a marina is a tremendous convenience for boat owners. Not only does it give them a place to store their boat; it also makes it easily accessible whenever they have to use it.
Imagine if your clients’ customers didn’t have a marina membership. Every time they wanted to take their boat out, they would have to hitch the trailer up to their truck, drive to the harbor, and launch it. When they’re done, they have to load it back up, take it back home, and store it until they need it again.
Most of these hassles can be avoided with a marina membership. But marinas offer boat owners more than just storage. Some of the bigger establishments provide repair and maintenance services right on the premises, and even boating accessories and equipment. They even have marina insurance that covers customers from losses or damage that may occur on-site.
One thing that customers do have to remember is that marina membership is a privilege, not a right. As with operating a motor vehicle, there are guidelines and regulations to follow, along with rules of etiquette. Here are some of the most important things boat owners should know about marinas:
Docks should be kept clean
This is perhaps the basic rule of marina etiquette. Docks and walkways should be kept free of clutter and debris at all times. Although it is the marina personnel’s responsibility to perform periodic cleaning and maintenance, customers have their part to play as well. They should not leave boating equipment and personal items lying around and pick up any trash they are responsible for. This helps keep the marina safe for everyone.
Swimming in the marina waters is usually prohibited
Customers would be hard-pressed to find a marina that allows swimming in the vicinity. Taking a dip in the water is a bad idea for many reasons. The high risk of accidents could cause serious injury and make the marina owners legally liable. There is just too much boat traffic to allow safe swimming, not to mention gas and other chemicals that may be in the water. There is also a significant risk of electrical shock from loose or damaged wires.
Guests should always be accompanied by marina members
Marina customers are generally allowed to have guests with them, but at least one member must accompany them at all times. Some marinas won’t even let guests on the premises until their host arrives. This ensures that at least one person present is familiar with the marina rules and guidelines to avoid untoward incidents.
Children and pets should never be left unattended
Many boaters enjoy taking their children and pets on trips with them, but they should keep close watch over them at all times. Children and animals should never be left unattended to avoid accidents and inconvenience to the other marina customers. Children should always be in the presence of an adult, of course, but pets should be kept on a leash as well.
Repair and maintenance is subject to marina rules
There may be times when boat owners have to perform minor repair and maintenance work. Many marina owners allow this as long as the activities don’t pose a safety hazard or inconvenience other customers. Anything that gives off unpleasant fumes or makes excessive noise usually won’t be allowed. If more intensive work requiring service contractors is necessary, this will usually have to be cleared with the marina manager.
Commercial activities aren’t allowed
Most marinas prohibit any commercial activity such as selling merchandise or boating equipment or offering boat cruises. While some boat owners do offer paid trips and cruises, they will generally have to arrange these outside the marina and not accommodate walk-in customers.
Some customers also sell their boats and have prospective buyers check them out at the marina. These are usually allowed by marina operators, but sales will have to be arranged outside the marina. Posting “for sale” signs on the vessel or any part of the marina usually isn’t permitted.
Ultimately, marina rules and etiquette are in place to ensure a safe and satisfactory experience for everyone. Boat owners should remember that each marina has different rules and regulations. In general, however, all these basic rules of etiquette apply. When in doubt, customers should check with your clients about the feasibility and propriety of their planned activities.
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