What to Look for When Hiring People for a Yacht Crew

What to Look for When Hiring People for a Yacht Crew

October 20, 2022

Boat owners that have just purchased their dream boat will need the best yacht crew before setting sail on the open sea. And to do that, they will need to hire a qualified and competent yacht crew.

Finding the right personnel to operate a yacht can be tricky. Those with little or no experience could have difficulty putting together a suitable crew. Worse still, they could end up with incompetent and inexperienced individuals that could jeopardize the vessel and place everyone’s lives at risk. Hopefully, they have marine contractor insurance to help mitigate the losses and damage that will inevitably result. 

Members of marine and yacht clubs already have a leg up over other boat owners. They usually have an extensive network of contacts that could connect them with the right people. But what about those who are staffing a yacht cold without prior experience? 

The Yacht Crew: The Checklist

Here you will find some tips on finding the right personnel for a yacht. Whether your clients are looking to put together a skeleton crew or outfit their vessel with a full staff, these suggestions should be helpful. 

Figure Out Needs

The first thing your client should do is to draw up a plan for how they will use their yacht. Many new owners neglect this simple step, but it is crucial for determining the type of personnel needed and how to assemble the appropriate crew. 

It is just as crucial for your clients to decide what services they require. It will help them determine if they need white-glove service or a seasoned crew of deep-sea fishing veterans. 

Manage Expectations

From the start, your clients need to realize that there is no “perfect crew.” Trying to assemble a team based on unrealistic expectations is bound to doom the entire endeavor to failure.

Instead of trying to find the “perfect” yacht crew, your clients might be better off going with less experienced professionals with the aptitude and willingness to learn. In many cases, such individuals can develop the necessary skills surprisingly quickly. 

Focus on Finding a Great Captain

The captain is the most important person on any ship’s crew. Therefore, it makes sense for your clients to devote most of their time, effort, and resources to finding a qualified captain. 

It is where experience comes in. While your clients might be able to make do with less experienced but talented crew members, it is generally best to hire a seasoned yacht captain. Ideally, your client should hire someone familiar with the vessel and region and with whom they share boating styles and preferences.  

Have a Definitive Crew Line-Up

A good captain could help your client put together the rest of the crew. But this should be based on their plan and vision for the type of personnel they need. They should decide what positions they must fill based on the specs of the yacht. Working off a definitive plan will help your client and their chosen captain assemble the most appropriate crew for their needs.  

A Final Word on Hiring a Yacht Crew

In most cases, the people attracted to these jobs are young, single, and have a taste for adventure. It is not a 9-to-5 position, so your clients should expect to interview applicants that don’t quite conform to the standard definition of an “employee.” 

Even so, it is only reasonable to expect a certain degree of professionalism and commitment. Your clients should prepare to field many applicants before landing on the right ones. When they find the right crew members, all their efforts will be worth the time and effort.

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